Saturday 17 January 2015

Why Students are so unmotivated?

I know, I know this is a movie, But I've tried to be as energetic as this in my own classroom. It works!
so let loose! share the energy!
Teaching motivated student is like riding a unicorn on a rainbow. Easy, quick , stuff dreams are made off and they produce brilliant result. While teaching the unmotivated and uninspired student is like doing a stand up comedy with bad jokes, really bad jokes, imagine the face and the emotions of the crowd. Here we are , trying our best, but nothing seems to strike the right notes with the crowds to make them enjoy our jokes.

There is a reason why I compare the unmotivated students with the crowds in a bad stand up comedy show. The jokes are like the motivation they need, the crowd is only responsive towards good jokes. We the teachers, are the comedian. We need to put up one hell of  a good show and we can't blame the crowds when our jokes are lame. 

The Motivated Student : 

1) Self driven learning - Ask questions , understand where they need improving
2) Excellence work ethics - Organ
5ized and works are done in time.  
3) Ambitious - Set long term goals and committed to achieve it. 
4)Active in and outside of school 

The Unmotivated Student :
Total opposite of the motivated students. Poor energy , poor concentration  , as though they are forced to be there (sadly they are forced to be there)

They are not the problem. they are just victims of poor jokes. Solution to bad jokes? Improve the jokes and improve those who deliver it. The teachers. 

Learning and the disconnection to the real world. 
How do you feel if a person tell you a joke that have been told by somebody else before. You respond would be “keep smiling , laugh just to appreciate his effort….bleh..”
That is how our students feel when being taught out of the text books, it’s boring and dull. Teachers! Keep yourself updated to the latest discoveries in your field. Trust me , big bang theories, images from the hubble telescope will feed your student imagination and your classroom will be the highlight of the day for them.

Maybe too often that we are mistaken by their lack of drive in the classroom as the lack of curiosity , if a child can be excited by a new app on their phones, trust me, lack of curiosity is the last problem you will face in a student.  So, how do we reduce the disconnection to the real world and arouse their passion for knowledge?

1.    Relate your lessons to the current mainstream news.
Ask of their opinion and understanding of the situation.  When we make their opinion matters, indirectly they feel a sense of importance and will be more interested in learning deeper into the subject.
     Deeper is better!
Show them topics beyond their current curriculums, something with a “that is super cool” factor and how what they are learning at the moment will lead them into.
      Leverage their ambition.
If there is one thing I realize in my time teaching is that, most children/student have ambitions but they don’t really know in depth of the career path they aspire to take. Relating the topics to the work scope of a career they are interested in will definitely arouse their interest.

They key aspect in this method is to have a teacher that is updated and naturally excited about a new discovery and to transfer the excitement into the students. We force them to take what we feel will benefit them in the long term but we too forget to make the knowledge we teach them rational in their life.

Create curiosity when advising students and they will surely listen, force them to swallow and they spit it out when you leave. Ignite the fire inside them with your own fire. Be curious and never stop learning. 

*This is the first part of many, I will update more soon

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Kata-Kata mutiara untuk Motivasi diri anda!

Sentiasa lakukan yang terbaik, Apa yang kamu tanam pada hari ini, akan kamu perolehi pada masa depan nanti 
- Og Mandino.

Jika kamu boleh impikannya , kamu boleh mencapainya. 
- Walt Disney

Kamu perlu pelajari hukum dan peraturan permainan. Dan bermain dengan lebih baik berbanding semua orang lain 
- Albert Einstein 

Kesungguhan untuk menang, keinginan untuk berjaya dan desakan untuk mencapai potensi penuh diri..... adalah kunci yang akan membuka pintu kejayaan personal. 
- Conficius.

Optimistik adalah kepercayaan yang akan membawa kepada kejayaan. Tiada apa yang boleh dicapai tanpa harapan dan kepercayaan diri. 
- Helen Keller.

Lakukan satu benda yang fikirkan yang kamu tidak boleh lakukan. Gagal bila melakukanya, Cuba lagi sekali. Lakukan lebih baik pada kali kedua. Hanya orang yang tidak pernah jatuh tidak pernah mencuba memanjat ketinggian baharu. Ini adalah masa kamu. Jadikan Ia milik kamu. 
-Oprah Winfrey  

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Your Panic Study Guide! To avoid failing your next test (Teacher might hate this!)

"Creative" answer, but you wouldn't want to be in this situation.
          Ahoy! matey's! If you are reading this, chances are you are really struggling with your studies and you need a last minute miracle. Well, don't just hope for a miracle. I will provide you with tips that can really help you passing the subjects you are struggling with. 

but you have to be committed and follow the guide extensively. 

Before the war 

1. Stop thinking about failure! 
 If you focus on failure. All your mental effort,time and energy will be lost on useless negative emotions rather on focusing on hitting your goals. Chill bruh! focus on passing and your brain will on full swing to make it possible.

2.Talk to your teacher/tutor/lecturer . Yes, no matter how you ignored them before this.
Yes, it's time to face mr/mrs ____ (your nickname for her), at this instance , you are at his/her mercy. Talk to them , and tell them your plan and show your initiative, this will benefit in away ;
A)They might tell topics to focus on.
B) They can guide you to help you pass.
C) If they are the one marking your papers, they might show some compassion towards you as you show initiative and effort. 

3.Plan the attack! Focus more on your strength , not your weakness.
If somehow your teacher is not that supportive , the best thing you can do is focusing on the topics that you are strong in and get maximum marks from those question.

For example .
A test paper with 20 question that covers the whole year syllabus (e.g 10 topics)
If you give maximum effort for at least 4 of the topics. You might be able to score a minimum passing grade. 

Attempt the hard questions on those topics. Once you have the confident, move on to the topic you are weak on if time is really limited , do your best to cover the basics (If maths paper, you will at least score some minor marks for your workings)

D-Day (exam day)
1.Get you sh*t together bruh!
Just like any battle,  the one that show the most nerve will usually lose. This is because they let their mind to focus on fear and anxiety. The two real enemy that will distract your mind from performing best. Fake some confident, tell yourself "you can do this'' and walk into the exam room/hall with confidence. Like a warrior ready to kill.  

2.Kill the easy one first, monsters last. 
This is all about timing. Paying too much time on a question and you can go on panic mode when you realize there are so many questions you haven't answered yet . 

Priorities of questions to answer:

Spend most of your time on this three type of questions 
1. The simplest - the one you are well verse with and this will build up some confidence in you for the other questions.
2. The easy one with high marks.
3. The one you have doubts with
Spend most of your time on this three type of questions above !
Skip those questions you absolutely clueless with until the end, when you have time. 

3. "This look familiar....."
Skipping doubtful/hard questions do hold a benefit, but it does depends on luck . When you skipped some of the questions , you might find that some of the questions you encounter later might contain some useful information about the question you skipped or after answering a question you somehow remembered how to answer the one you skipped. 

4.The Gambler.
The last option you can do when you really can't answer the hard question on the paper is  to just go with the best answer you can think off.  EVEN IF YOU ARE CLUELESS, put some effort into it and choose/give your best, you might even score some mark for it and in your case, every mark is valuable.

After the war.
1. Don't overthink. It wont help!
Even if you believed that you have done badly on it, try not to compare and share your answers with your friends. Leave it and walk away. Especially if this is your first paper of the day, it might hurt your confidence and emotionally distract you from focusing on doing your best on the next paper. 

2. Prepare better for your next war! Idiot proof yourself.
Once the result is out.  You should be upset even if you pass , only for one reason, that you didn't prepare properly for the test/exam . Failure is always a valuable lesson for us. Failing this one test/exam doesn't mean that you are dumb and never will be good on this particular subject. Move on and plan earlier for the next exam! Nothing is impossible if we have faith and move with the right plan. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Bagaimana untuk memperbaiki pencapaian subjek "kesayangan anda" Matematik.

         Abi Mutalib adalah seorang pelajar tingkatan 3 yang sering gagal dalam peperiksaan.Keputusan matematiknya memang berwarna merah sejak dari tingkatan 1 lagi. Tetapi sebenarnya beliau dahulunya Champion matematik sewaktu UPSR dahulu.  

Setelah "dimasak" oleh ibunya, Abi bersemangat untuk mengulangkaji dan memperbaiki keputusan peperiksaan beliau.Ketika di sekolah, waktu pelajaran matematik, apa yang diajar oleh gurunya terlalu "advance" untuk dirinya dan Abi merasakan dirinya terlalu ketinggalan, cuba bertanya kepada guru tetapi keputusanya masih sama, Abi kebingungan. 

Di rumah,  hatinya retak seribu kerana soalan-soalan buku latihan tingkatan 3 itu terlalu memeningkan kepala. Akhirnya, Abi Mutalib berputus asa dan masa depannya kembali gelap. 

Pernahkah anda mengalami situasi di atas? 

 Hampir setiap pelajar mempunyai kisah "cinta" yang tiada penghujung dengan subjek matematik . sesetengah menyintainya dengan penuh kasih dan kebanyakan membencinya dengan penuh dendam
tapi realitinya , subjek ini terlalu penting dan adalah salah satu subjek wajib lulus bagi setiap peperiksaan. 

Oleh itu, adalah lebih baik jika saya membantu para pelajar untuk menguasai matematik dengan tips-tips yang memang baguslah. 

Mulakan dengan........ Kepercayaan diri!
Kegagalan anda di masa lampau tidak sama dengan keadaan anda di waktu sekarang. Mungkin anda dahulunya seorang pelajar matematik yang dikategorikan sebagai pelajar "harapan malap/pudar/hitam". Lupakan semua itu dan mulakan hidup yang baru. 

Matematik sama seperti subjek lain, jika dipelajari dengan teknik yang baik, matematik boleh dikuasai dengan mudah. Percaya diri boleh mempelajari dan menguasai dan minda you guys akan mula terbuka  dan terima lar bahawa anda kena perlu bekerja/berusaha lebih keras kerana selama ini anda telah bekerja seperti ulang kaji matematik selama 30 minit itu adalah kejayaan paling membanggakan dalam hidup anda. 

Mulakan sesi ulangkaji dengan latihan yang mudah dan selesa.
Kerana terlalu bersemangat, ramai kehilangan harapan dan patah semangat apabila cuba menjawab soalan-soalan yang susah, You guys janganlar gelojoh sangat. Adalah lebih baik jika anda bertanya dengan guru matematik anda untuk latihan yang sesuai untuk anda.

Jika anda seperti Abi Mutalib, 
Adalah lebih bijak untuk memulakan ulang kaji dengan latihan-latihan tingkatan 1 yang dahulunya anda elak kerana anda percaya guru matematik kelas anda adalah kelahiran semula Harimau Bengal. Setelah menguasai bahagian yang bermasalah pada tahap tingkatan 1, tingkatkan tahap kesusahan latihan anda.

Setelah bermula dengan tahap yang anda selesa, tingkatakan tahap kesusahan secara berperingkat. 

Gunakan contoh dan langkah2 yang diberikan didalam buku rujukan matematik anda. 

Buku rujukan yang dibeli dengan penuh harapan palsu akan menjadi BFF kamu dalam perjalanan kamu untuk memperbaiki keputusan kamu. Pastikan buku rujukan anda berada di hadapan anda ketika melakukan ulang kaji. Teliti cara dan langkah2 yang mereka berikan untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematik. 

Rujuk jawapan setelah menyiapkan soalan walaupun soalan sangat mudah untuk memastikan jalan kerja lengkap dan untuk meningkat confident anda apabila menjawab. 

Nota: Pilih buku latihan yang menyertakan contoh dan penyelesaian untuk memudahkan ulang kaji

Maaf rakan-rakan ku yang kurang bijak

Apabila anda ingin memulakan study "group" , pastikan lah ianya "study" group, bukanlar "gossip" "handphone" "BPL " atau "love" group. Pilih rakan2 yang lebih arif dan berkemampuan dalam subjek matematik untuk membantu dan mereka selalunya lebih fokus dalam melengkapkan kerja mereka. 

Cintai pensil , pemadam dan kekemasan kerja. 

Saya melarang keras pelajar menggunakan pen apabila mengulang kaji matematik kerana matematik adalah subjek yang dipelajari melalui mencuba dan kesilapan.Jika guru anda ingin anda menulis menuggunakan pen, rajin-rajin lar untuk menulis dengan pensil terlebih dahulu dan gunakan pen apabila mendapat jawapan yang sahih. 

 Pastikan jalan kerja di tulis rapi dan mudah difahami untuk memudahkan mengenalpastikan kesalahan langkah dalam jalan kerja anda. Kerana saya dulu pun pening dengan jalan kerja saya sendiri. 


Terus mencuba dan jangan berputus asa apabila cuba menyelesaikan soalan yang sangat mencabar.

Kebencian dan keseronokan matematik berada pada kebolehan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang benar-benar mencabar. Apabila anda rasa "sangkut" , gunakan beberapa cara ini:
-Whatsapp rakan anda yang lebih pandai (crush anda mungkin???)
-Bulatkan dan tanya guru/tutor anda bila berjumpa nanti. 
-Rujuk kepada buku rujukan(lebih banyak buku rujukan lebih bagus)
-Ambil "angin" terlebih dahulu. (5-10 mins).
- Lihat pada jawapan dan cara penyelesaiannya, tetapi buat soalan lain yang sama jenis, 

Apabila anda dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang menghantui anda, nescaya cinta anda kepada matematik akan kembali dan bertambah - tambah! Semoga berjaya dan percaya pada diri! 

Sunday 28 September 2014

Get to know crazy dude behind this blog

Name: Azad.
Age : 24 
I'm a tutor and a business owner . 
I run my own tuition centre -

Pusat Tuisyen Solusi Minda,
No. 23G , 1A/KS04 , Lorong Orked, Kg. Raja Uda

Feel free to ask me anything.
This blog is dedicated to all the people who wants improvement and willing to learn.
Never Stop learning and Improving your life!

Thursday 25 September 2014

First Post!

Hi to all readers! 

My name is Azad and I'm a full time entrepreneur/tutor from Klang.
I will be using this blog to post anything interesting and my own views about anything related to education and anything that can help students particularly in Malaysia.  let's get started!